Damaged Pond


We can fix it! Majority of the time, replacement is not needed. Contact us to discuss your requirements & repair options...

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A leaking pond can be a nightmare, constantly having to top it up and also worrying about the water bill.

Majority of the calls we receive from our customers with a leaky pond are expecting to have to re-line the entire pond. This isn't always the case, in fact it is more likely that a repair is all that is needed.

Luckily with our knowlegde and know how we have cost effective ways to rectify without it costing a fortune.


To deal with a leaking pond we would need to drain, clean and tidy it fully. During this process any damage usually shows up like a sore thumb. Once located, if the damage is repairable, which in most cases it is we can fix it there and then.


If the damage is repairable and we usually can fix it on the spot, we do not actually charge for this service, we only charge for the full drain clean and tidy up. Typical repairable damage is rips or tears in pond liner, hairline cracks in concrete etc.

We do advise that finding the leak is something that we cannot guarantee (sometimes the leak could be external or not leaking at all) however we can usually locate leaks during the cleaning process.

Please note: Although our repairs will usually last many years however this is something that we cannot guarantee as there are many variations to liner types with age, poor installation and condition which can cause issues for a suitable bond. This is why we offer this service for free.

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If your pond is damaged beyond repair, we would discuss options with you moving forward and supply a seperate quotation for the works.

Your pond would have needed to be drained anyway to find this out and we wouldn't add a charge to drain it again for when return if you filled it back up to keep your fish and plants a temporary home. 

We do come across complete replacements from time to time but luckily in most instances a repair is all that is needed.

Get in touch

Simply Pondz LTD

72 Broadwater Street East
West Sussex
BN14 9AP

0800 689 1408 - Free phone 24/7


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